master tonic reviews- Fire cider vs cyclone cider
I'm sure that you have heard of the saying 'Prevention is better than cure'.
Master tonics and fermented foods have been around for centuries. That's what our ancestors back in the day used to consume to cure and prevent many ailments.Master tonic is not only for prevention but it's a powerful natural tonic for prevention and cure.
In the 9 amazing health benefits of fire cider article, I pointed out how consuming home made fire cider on a daily basis can really change the way you live and feel.
I have to admit that I haven't been able to make fire cider for a long time now, and that's because of my hectic life as of late, so I decided to get my hands on an over the counter ready-made fire cider supplements and give them a try and see if it's as good as home made fire cider or not?
During my research, I came across 2 master tonics that were becoming very popular lately, and were very close to the original home made fire cider tonic and the only ones that were almost identical in everything from taste to ingredients.
Today, I will take you through a comprehensive review of 2 natural tonics that I have found online;
We’ll take a closer look at their benefits, ingredients and real people reviews to give a clear insight of their compositions as well as uses.
What does a master tonic really mean?
Master tonic is a modern-day recipe version for a very powerful natural antibiotic that was originally used to fight infections such as the Bubonic Plague which killed more than a third of the world’s population in the 1300’s.
Unlike the pharmaceutical antibiotics, master tonic fights both viruses and bacteria, and it’s effective against pathogens that have become immune to existing drugs.What make master tonics so powerful and effective is that they are good at stimulating maximum circulation of blood while putting great detoxifying herbs in the blood.
The other ignored amazing benefit is that Master tonics strengthen your immune system by increasing the number of probiotics in your system which will greatly help fight against infections.
If you are really serious about preventing and treating any kind of infection, then the regular use of this formula will certainly help to turn around even the most stubborn flues and infections.
Master tonic is 100 percent natural and it works as an:
And Master tonic combines:
All of these ingredients should be organic (if possible) and they have to be used while still fresh. When all the above jewels come together, you’ll get a universal tonic that’s proven to help you improve and maintain your health.
Master tonic -1: Fire Cider full Review
All You Need to Know about Fire Cider
Fire Cider is gaining mainstream popularity as a DIY herbal remedy and tonic. This natural master tonic is an attempt to pack the healing properties of everyday kitchen pantry items in one single bottle.
Interestingly, Fire Cider is not as bitter or tasteless as other herbal medicines can be Rather it varies in flavor and can be sweet, tasty and also hot and spicy.
Briefly, If you wanted to make this at home, you can customize Fire Cider according to your taste preferences. Such flexibility is available in the form of varying ingredients that product has As far as benefits are concerned, then they are myriad; but major benefit of Fire Cider is that it makes immune system strong and helps to cure flue. So, you can write it down in the list of your must have winter items.
Making of Fire Cider
Making of Fire Cider is simple . All you need is to mash all the ingredients in Apple Cider Vinegar, except honey.
Best way to take fire cider
After few weeks (3-4 weeks is more optimum), while keeping mixture intact, add honey and mix it again. The Fire Cider is ready for use. You can use it thrice a day, one table spoon each time in winters, in order to cure flue.
If you intend to utilize fire cider as proactive measure, just to strengthen the immunity system then use one table spoon in morning. But make sure not to use it with empty stomach if you have complications like stomach ulcers.
If you are in no mood of waiting so long for getting the final product, then you can order a ready to use version as well.
What is Fire Cider all about?
Fire Cider consists of natural herbs and daily use spice. All the ingredients are mixed in a desired proportion and fermented for 3-4 weeks in apple cider vinegar to make a rich and dense liquid that can be consumed on a daily basis.
Apple Cider Vinegar has concentration of acetic acid, due to which can kill bacteria. Further, it also lowers the blood sugar level, lowers cholesterol level and hence it reduces the risk of heart attack. Apple Cider Vinegar is also effective in reducing weight, as it prevents a person from eating more
Such medicinal benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar join other herbs and produce a combination known as Fire Cider. Complete natural origin of all the ingredients rules out chances of any side effects, except those which are related to the ingredients.
The original fire cider dietary supplement consists of:
apple cider vinegar, whole, raw, certified organic oranges, lemons, onions, ginger, horseradish, habanero pepper, garlic and turmeric
They do carry fire cider with different flavors.
TASTE: spicy and sweet.
TASTE: spicy and distinctive sweet taste because of the type of honey that been used.
TASTE: very spicy and some bitterness.
I would definitely suggest to try the ones with honey, especially if you are planning to give it to your kids. The most popular ones are the honey flavored fire cider, I guess there is no surprise there.
The main active ingredients in fire cider don't really change. It just the different types of honey that is added for flavor.
Benefits of each ingredient in Fire cider
All these ingredients have special properties that make them perfect natural remedy. If you want to know how these contents are going to end up in a tasty herbal medicine then have a look at separate benefits that they have to offer.
Ginger & Turmeric are effective herbs in terms of its anti-inflammatory properties. It not only helps in digestion, but also good for treating nausea. In winter, ginger and turmeric consumption gets increased due to their warming effect in circulatory system.
Garlic: Garlic does a great job at thinning the blood and hence reducing the risk of high blood pressure and related diseases. But its more significant function that might be hidden from you is its antimicrobial properties. Perhaps, that's why it is used to prevent any infection at the site of wasp and scorpion sting. Properties of Garlic are more similar to those of penicillin.
Onions are not only add taste to the food but they are also good for blood. Very less people know that onions are effective in treating flue, but it all depends upon the form in which they are being used
Horseradish is a must to use herb for winters. In not only treats sinuses congestion but also cures headache. Hence, it is the best ever thing that can naturally cure flue and cold.
Honey has many anti-inflammatory properties, but as far as its purpose in fire cider is concerned then content is used at add flavor that appeals to your taste buds.
Benefits of Fire Cider
I have shared the value of Fire Cider contents with you Here is an overview of how Fire Cider as a whole can be beneficial.
· Contents of Fire Cider are rich in sulphur. Due to which it has antiviral and antibacterial properties that make it perfect for treating common cold and flu viruses.
· It boosts immune system; this property is mainly because of isothiocyanate in horseradish, and Sulphur and Alicin in Garlic.
· Fire Cider has antioxidants that can prevent cancer. These anti-oxidants include curcumin, flavonoids, polyphenols, tannins, allicin, ally' cysteine, ally' disulphide and vitamin C.
· It aids in digestion and helps to cure problems like bloating, nausea and stomach related issues. Taking one spoon of Fire Cider before every meal stimulates digestive juices.
· It lowers blood and heart related diseases by regulating blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Using Fire Cider makes you to own a younger heart.
· Its anti-inflammatory properties make it the best cure for arthritis and joint pain.
Reviews: What people had to say
A product is worth using when all the beneficial aspects of its ingredients are known. But what matters even more is the user's experience. Fire Cider is available on known retailers like Amazon and has garnered very positive reviews from the users. Most of the people found it a perfect cure for flue and an effective tonic for getting rid of congestion in sinuses.
The reviews also highlighted that Fire Cider was effective enough to act as a significant part of early morning routine and an energizer for afternoon. But lack of quantity, was what that many people complained about and hence they decided to prepare it in home. Getting a fire cider with more personalized taste was
Master tonic -2: Cyclone Cider full Review
All you need to know about Cyclone cider
Study of the course of history has made known to us, the fact that people from different regions, have used the herbs available to them to ward off infirmities and maintain great health.
People from the Far East used ginger to aid digestion and balance their intestines, they also used garlic and onions to cleanse their body systems and keep their immune system great.
People from the Middle East used cayenne pepper, a non-irritating spicy pepper to enhance circulation in their body. Horseradish root has long been used in Europe to cause the natural stimulation of the body.
A decision to gather all of these time-honored practices across the world and fuse them into one perfect solution resulted into Cyclone cider. Prevention is always better than cure, and you should do what you can, to make sure that you are not a frequent visitor of physicians.
With regular use Cyclone ciders will definitely help you with that , using cyclone ciders will help your immune system and do to you a whole lot of other good things we would consider here.
What is so special about Cyclone ciders? What are its ingredients? What does it really do? What things do people say about it? By the end you will know everything you need to know about it.
Cyclone Cider Review; Its Ingredients and Benefits.
Let's look at its Ingredients:
Cyclone cider consists of 6 herbal ingredients in an apple cider vinegar base. These herbal extracts will now be listed and their functions.
· Cayenne pepper: Cayenne pepper is high in Vitamin C, it is an astringent, it is stimulating and it promotes circulation in the body.
· Onions: Onions performs the duty of cleansing the body from toxic substances and also performs the duty of body stimulation.
· Garlic: Garlic is referred to as "nature’s antibiotic" by some It supports the immune system in its duties of body defense.
· Parsley: This naturally cleanses and purifies the body. It serves as a natural diuretic.
· Ginger Root: This benefits the intestine, it aids in digestion and it also stimulates the body.
· Horseradish Root: This also cleanses and stimulates the body.
The fusion of all these great herbs is Cyclone Ciders, there can be no better body saving product.
Benefits of Cyclone Cider:
1- Cyclone ciders helps in the daily promotion of your health. Its consisting herbs perform the duty of ensuring your daily vitality, it ensures you would not be a frequent patient to the doctor.
2- Cyclone Ciders cleanses your body against toxic substances. Its Onion and Horseradish ingredients helps in flushing the body off harmful substances.
3- If you are a singer, a speaker, or you frequently have to make a lot of speeches, Cyclone Ciders is definitely for you Cyclone ciders helps clear your throat well, its hot spicy taste will make sure that you never have a problem with sore throats.
4- Cyclone Ciders protects you from the effect of exposure to cold weather and helps you against adverse climate changes. With Cyclone Ciders, you will not need to be in the fear of having a cough, a sore throat or sneezing without respite. Cyclone Ciders will help you not to contract any of these. Also, if you have these ailments, using Cyclone Ciders will help put them to flight.
5- Cyclone Ciders helps your body defense system. Its ingredients help to strengthen your immune system in the fight against illnesses and it helps the maintenance of your body's good health.
6- Cyclone Ciders also is fast-acting. Once used, it goes into work almost immediately and corrects your body anomaly very quick.
Reviews: Users Review of Cyclone Cider
Real-life people have used Cyclone Cider and have been left amazed at its effects. They have testified to the fantastic change it brought to them and we will now review some of these.
Real-life people have used Cyclone Cider and have been left amazed at its effects. They have testified to the fantastic change it brought to them and we will now review some of these.
Josh on Amazon has this to say on Cyclone cider:
"At first, I did not believe this could do much for my health until I started using it, now I use it whenever I find myself falling sick or whenever anybody around me is falling sick, the taste is a little bit harsh, until you get used to it. I always keep it stocked in my house and I never go without it I have never had a bottle go wrong yet".
Laura K Sutherland on Amazon has this to say on Cyclone cider:
"I Love Cyclone cider, I use it in soups and whenever I feel the tickle of a cold coming, this stuff really works" finally on Amazon reviews, CL on Amazon says " I was referred to this product by my friend. Not only did it work to kick out the cold, I love what the kick gives to me every morning, I feel I need a shot each day". On amazon alone, Cyclone cider has 20+ reviews, and they are mostly positive, it's effects and the efficacy of its usage is severally lauded.
Cyclone cider is pure and natural, it consists majorly of six herb extracts with an apple cider vinegar base. Its true natural state is assured, and there is no adulteration of its consisting ingredients whatsoever. Also, no alcohol was added in producing Cyclone cider. Get one today and you will be sure to have natures best in its pure form.
Cyclone cider is powerful and effective. It is sure to increase your immunity against diseases and maintain your great health. You will also be free from winter-illnesses. Cyclone cider is fast acting. After using it, you see the effect almost immediately, as you feel it penetrate your throat and clear it at once.
Cyclone cider comes in the value sizes of 4 ounce and 2 ounce. It has a hot and spicy taste. It does not have a bitter or an odd taste. If you however feel you want to improve its taste, you can do this by adding a little honey. There is only one Cyclone cider, it however has different sizes.
Final few words
Nature has blessed us with the best health ingredients in herbs. Absolving some of these herbs into your body will save you from illnesses and ensure the longevity of your life.
In fact, these herbs go the length of battling illnesses whenever you succumb to them. Just how do you know these herbs and how do you use them? Thankfully, you need not worry about this.
Some have the length of finding natures best herbs and blending them together for you. Cyclone ciders and fire ciders consist of pure and natural substances will boost your immunity and save you from illnesses.
Treating diseases like flue or complex disorders related to immune system makes you rely on antibiotics that may not go well with your body system. Hence, it is prudent to use natural tonics Fire Cider and Cyclone cider which are surely not going to affect the body in an adverse way.
So, it is better to be on the safe side and use a herbal tonic which is not only effective but offers so many benefits. A lot of people have benefited from these natural tonics, so you too.