30 day transformation Plans – REAL or JUST HYPE

30 day transformation

​The very first thing we instantly think about when someone says 30-day transformation is within just 30 days we will transform our body to some kind of a super model. Right?​

You go on some websites and you see pictures of people that have been through the process and did the 30-day transformation challenge and amazingly they have transformed their bodies into a masterpiece. 30-day transformation plans/programs are the most appealing and attractive programs and carry that feel good factor.

It gives us that assurance and confidence that we can lose weight and look good in just 30-days.

​before I go any further and tell you if these programs are SCAM OR LEGIT and ultimately how you can transform your body just like those people in the pictures.It's important to remember that those transformations are real BUT what those pictures are not telling us is HOW they got those amazing results.

They are not showing us the WHOLE PICTURE.​ They are misleading and not misleading at the same time. Sounds confusing doesn't it? In simple words, you can get there but there's more to it than just working your ass off for 30 days.

If your fitness level is 1/10 then sorry to break it to you that in 30 day program won't make you look like those fit people in the picture.

But, if your level is let's say 6 or 7, 30 days will help you transform your body into a fitter and stronger one than when you started.

30-day transformation, what is it EXACTLY and what should I expect

30-day transformation is similar to squat challenges, but instead of doing one single exercise for 30 days, you will be doing a series of exercises every day for 30 days.

The other thing to remember is that you will be following a diet ​​​​​plan too. Following both an  exercising program and a diet plan ​should help you immensely with 30-day transformation programs. In these challenges you're going to do a mix of different exercises that target different parts of your body like:

  • Ab exercises
  • Squats
  • Planks
  • Push ups
  • Burpees
  • Weight training

As you can see, these are an amazing set of exercises that you can do every day and are proven to work, there's no doubt about that. You will be sweating your ass off and your heart rate will shoot off the roof while you are strengthening your abs, thighs, arms, and much more.

Diet plans are different from one person to other, but in general you will be eating high protein low carb diet ​for the whole month. The question is that we ask ourselves all the time is



Before I try to answer these important Qs, let me clear some misunderstandings that some have when they think of 30-days programs.​

30-day transformation and the feel good factor​

30-day transformation workouts and challenges are one of those things that have that feel-good factor to it, doesn't it? It instantly makes us feel and think that we are going to TRANSFORM our bodies into a masterpiece in just 30 days.

  • We are going to have the body of our DREAMS
  • And we are going to do that in NO-TIME

The reason behind it?

We  have  been programmed to think this way. From TV to the internet, everything around us tells us that we can lose weight really fast if we tried this 7 days detox or that 20-day workout. As you ​can see, we have been forced to follow whatever the trend is regardless of how bad or good it is.

I'm sure that you have tried so many diets and weight loss plans and I can guarantee you that either they didn't work at all or they worked for a little while ​and you found yourself back to where you started.

Will 30 day transformation work for me?

Before you commit to any weight loss plan or workout plan you need to figure out if these plans are the right ones for you or not. ​The big question is DO THESE WEIGHT LOSS WORKOUT PLANS WORK OR NOT?

How do we figure that out? you may ask​. ​The simple answer is that it really depends on the your OVERALL FITNESS & LIFESTYLE. You need to know yourself and your body very well to be able to achieve what you always wanted.

You need to consider your:​

  • Your lifestyle 
  • your fitness level

Let me tell  you from my personal experience. 

When I try something new and intense for the first time and I don't know what to expect, it gets into your head and you might find it overwhelming and you quit. That's perfectly normal. You just need to take a breather and re-assess and maybe choose a less intense work out that you will enjoy.

It's going to be a learning process at first but trust me it will save you so much time and effort.


If you are really serious about transforming your body then SET A REALISTIC TARGET. Regardless of what workout or diet you want to follow, you need set a target and reach it then set another target and so on and so forth.

​In my humble opinion, most of us don't really ask ourselves these questions to really understand what we want to achieve from 30-day transformation weight loss plans.

​That's why we always have so many questions but very few answers. It's not about what we want. We all know what we want but we don't know how to go about it and find out the best way to achieve what we want.

Figure out your FITNESS level​


This level is for people who consider themselves beginners because they are overweight and never worked out for a long time ​(2 years and over). ​If you are at this level then 30-day transformation WILL NOT make you look like a model. But,

Within 30 days you will ​be able to burn considerable amount of fat and you will have so much energy to carry on even further than 30 days. The 30-days transformation will be the FOUNDATION to kick start your healthy lifestyle that will last beyond the 30-days.​

In reality you ​will need at least 4-6 months to reach your target, but as I said before a 30-day program can be the strong foundation that you can build on.

​Do 30-day transformation programs exist?

​The short answer is YES and NO. There are a few 30-day programs that are aimed at more advanced people who work out on a regular basis like:


30-day transformation

The ASYLUM workout is more for people who want to really get into very good shape in just 30 days. It's aimed at people who are at an advanced fitness level. It doesn't mean that people who are not at advanced level can't or shouldn't do it. It just going to take you a few rounds to see a noticeable body transformation.

Asylum focuses on increasing your cardio, speed, agility, coordination, and power. Regardless of your fitness level, Asylum will get you to dig deeper than you ever thought possible.


30-day transformation

MAX 30 also targets people who are already in very good shape. It's very similar if not identical to the original INSANITY workout with a twist. As the name suggests, it's 30 mins long and the way it works is that you have to push yourself beyond your limit within the 30 mins until you cannot do it anymore, then record the time where you stopped.

Every time you do it you should see some progress and you should last a bit longer and hopefully by day 30 you should be able to survive the whole 30mins.

What you should expect?

If you are one of those people who are fit already then these workouts can help you get more ​fitter and get more definition. BUT.

Like I said before if you are new to this or you consider yourself a beginner then a few rounds of these 30-day workouts should help you progress in terms of weight loss, toning up, and your overall health and well-being.​

The reality is  that most of the workout programs that you will find online are 2-3 months workouts. 2-3 months programs are more effective at targeting the whole body and you will get better results doing these programs.

All these workouts are NOT meant to transform you within 30-days. I can guarantee you that you won't be able to see any major changes in 30-days, but you will if you keep working out for 2-3 months. The ideal duration for a real body transformation is between 4-6 months.

4-6 months is the sweet spot for someone who is really committed and wants serious results and ultimately wants to change their lifestyle as a whole.

Most popular online workout streaming services

It's really important to remember that the internet is absolutely overwhelmed with these interactive services, so do your home work before you sign up even if they are free. What you should look for before you sign up?

  1. Offer FREE trials
  2. Certified trainers
  3. Personlized plans
  4. Tailored programs
  5. Provide wide range of different types of workouts like yoga, cardio, strength training...
  6. live


30 day transformation Plans – REAL or JUST HYPE 1

Beachbody is probably the most known and poplar program when it comes to working out at home. It has a countless number of very popular workout DVDs online by a mile. P90X, INSANITY, PIYO, 21DAY  FIX, BODYBEAST, AND HAMMER AND CHISEL and many more.

I'm someone who is ​beyond obsessed about Beachbody workouts and I have done most of these workouts and I have to say that they are made by experts and professionals who care about making the very best workouts. All of their workouts are based on research and they always try to push the bar so they stay ahead of the game in the world of fitness.

TRY BEACHBODY ​- click here

Beahcbody on demand 

30 day transformation

It's a monthly subscription service that contains all of the most popular workouts and exclusive workouts that are only available on demand.

What do you get?

  • FREE 30-day trial
  • Access your workout on TV, laptop, mobile...
  • Fitness guides
  • Workout calenders
  • Nutrition plans
  • Live chats with trainers
  • No contracts

After your trial ends you either walk away no questions asked or you sign up for $2.99/weekly. Like I said these services are not for everyone but if you are happy about your health and fitness then don't waste your money. But, if you're like me and, you need someone to motivate you, help, and push you along the way then BEACHBODY ON DEMAND is worth the investment.

30 day transformation Plans – REAL or JUST HYPE 2

​Dailyburn is another popular online service that has over 500 workouts that are taught by certified trainers and experts. Their workouts include  dance, high intensity cardio, yoga, and strength training.​ And the best thing about Dailyburn is that they add a new workout everyday.

They have very popular workouts like INFERNO, BLACK FIRE, 365, DB15, TBT, LIVE TO FAIL and many more. The thing about Dailyburn is that you will never get bored because of the ridiculous number of new workouts they add. Motivation is probably the most important factor in staying in shape. So, having so many different workouts will definitely help you stay motivated for a very long time.

What do you get?

  • FREE 30-day trial, or FREE 7-day trial on Amazon
  • Access your workout on TV, laptop, mobile, apple TV, Roku TV, Fire TV, Chromecast
  • Fitness guides
  • Workout calendars
  • Nutrition plans
  • Live chats with trainers
  • No contracts

After the 30-day trial you pay $14.95 per month and just like Beachbody you cancel at anytime.


Final thought

  • Before you start this journey you need to know what's your fitness level so you know what to do next.
  • Know exactly what you want to achieve and be realistic and honest about the challenges that you will face and that will keep you focused and motivated in the long run.
  • It's really important to know roughly how long it will take you to transform your body and don't ever forget that this is a step by step process and not a quick fix.
  • Always remember that 30-day transformation programs are not the solution but they will jump start your new healthy lifestyle.
  • Finally, always remember that whatever you do make SURE that you enjoy what you are doing and this will help you stay motivated and committed for a very long time.
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Bachelor's degree in Pharmaceutical science and extensive experience working in the health and dietary supplement industries

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